Founded in 2021, the JS Institute, managed by OpenEDG, aims to support education and industry sectors in meeting JavaScript needs while promoting the development of the language and its global community.
It offers independent, vendor-neutral JavaScript certification programs in partnership with leading educational institutions, training providers, and IT industry leaders. These certifications are available through OpenEDG Testing Services, OnVUE Online Proctoring, and over 5,000 accredited Pearson VUE testing centers worldwide.
Open Education and Development Group (OpenEDG) collaborates with Cisco Networking Academy, Pearson VUE, and a network of strategic, education, and testing partners to deliver learning and certification programs for the JavaScript programming language.
The JS Institute courses feature interactive learning scenarios, gamified motivation systems, and structured learning paths. They cover essential theoretical and practical concepts for real-world programming tasks, incorporating quizzes, tests, interactive assessments, and lab exercises to help learners transform knowledge into practical skills.
The OpenEDG JS Institute certification program is based on extensive industry and market research, including Job Task Analyses (JTAs), Training Needs Analyses (TNAs), and Skills Gap Analyses (SGAs). These efforts identify employer demands for JavaScript programmers and required skills. The program also examines the education system to support the training and development of IT specialists, web developers, managers, and aspiring programmers.
Open Education and Development Group (OpenEDG) employs a rigorous, consultation-driven, and competency-focused approach to certification development. Their test design integrates qualitative frameworks, subject-centered patterns, and psychometric modeling, adhering to international standards such as the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (AERA, APA, NCME), European Test User Standards (EFPA, EAWOP), and the European Test Review Model (EFPA, EAWOP).